primary (8-9 years old).

The population centres

In this activity you will discover the importance of understanding the relationship between human beings and their natural and cultural environment. In this sense, knowing the main population centres of their country and continent, as well as their most populated areas, is essential for children aged 8 to 9 years old to understand the territorial and demographic organisation of their environment.

In this download you will find a pdf resource with instructions to make your classes more dynamic. On the one hand, we show you which of the platform’s tools you will be working with and, on the other hand, we propose activities suitable for students aged 8-9.


Do you want your classes to be stimulating? Start today with Geointeractiva.


we propose to teach geography in a fun way

What will your students learn from this educational activity?

In this activity you will discover the importance of understanding the relationship between human beings and their natural and cultural environment. In this sense, knowing the main population centres of your country and continent, as well as their most populated areas, is essential for children aged 8 to 9 to understand the territorial and demographic organisation of their environment. In this article, we will explain how important it is for them to know these concepts and how teachers can teach them in a didactic way.


Why is it important for children to know the main population centers of their country and continent?

The main population centers of a country are the most important cities in terms of demographics, economics, and culture. Knowing them is essential for them to understand the territorial organization of their country and to understand how the population is distributed throughout their territory. In addition, knowledge of the main population centers of a country allows them to become familiar with the most important places in the country and develop a sense of belonging and connection with their environment.

On the other hand, knowing the main population centers of a continent allows them to understand the cultural and demographic diversity of the continent in question. By knowing the main population centers, students can understand how the population is distributed in a broader territory and how different cultures and societies that inhabit it are related.

The importance of knowing the most populated areas

In addition to knowing the main population centers of their country and continent, it is important for them to know the most populated areas, which are those where the largest amount of population is concentrated in a specific area. Knowing these areas is important because it allows them to understand how cities are organized and how different urban areas relate to each other.

The most populated areas are also important because they tend to be the places where the most important economic and cultural activities of a city are concentrated. Knowing these areas allows children to understand how life is organized in cities and how different economic and cultural activities relate to each other.

How to teach the main population centers and the most populated areas

Teaching the main population centers and the most populated areas to 9-year-old children can be a challenging task for teachers. However, there are various didactic strategies that can be very useful for them to understand these concepts in a fun and simple way.

One of the most effective strategies is to use interactive maps. Interactive maps allow children to explore the different population centers and urban areas of their country and continent in a playful and interactive way. Children can use these maps to identify the most important cities and the most populated areas, which allows them to understand the territorial organization of their environment.

Another effective strategy is to use images and videos to teach students the main population centers and the most populated areas. Teachers can use images of the most important cities and the most emblematic places in urban areas so that children can visualize and recognize them. Similarly, videos can be a useful tool for showing how cities are organized and how different urban areas relate to each other.

Games can also be an effective strategy for teaching children the main population centers and the most populated areas. Teachers can use interactive games in which children must identify the main population centers of their country and continent or the most populated areas of a city. These games can be very fun for children and allow them to learn in a playful and enjoyable way.

Finally, it is important for teachers to encourage the active participation of children in the learning process. That is, they have the opportunity to share their own experiences and knowledge about the main population centers and the most populated areas. This not only allows them to feel more involved in the learning process, but also to learn more effectively.



In short, knowing the main population centers of your country and continent, as well as the most populated areas, is essential for 9-year-old children to understand the territorial and demographic organization of their environment. Additionally, this knowledge allows them to develop a sense of belonging and connection with their surroundings, which is fundamental for their personal and social development. Therefore, it is important for teachers to teach these concepts in a didactic and effective way, using various pedagogical strategies that allow children to learn in a fun and enjoyable way.

