secondary (12-13 years)

The importance of ancient civilizations

In this activity you will discover the importance of ancient civilizations and you will also know how to locate them on a map.

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The importance of ancient civilizations and knowing how to locate them on the map

Ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Mayan, Incan, and Aztec have left a profound mark on human history. These civilizations have been a source of inspiration for many aspects of our current society, from architecture to philosophy, politics, and literature. Therefore, it is important to know their geographical location and their impact on history in order to better understand our own culture and heritage. In this article, we will explore the importance of locating these ancient civilizations on the map and provide some examples.

Importance of locating ancient civilizations on the map

Geographical location is essential to understanding the characteristics of an ancient civilization and how its culture developed. The physical and natural environment in which they were located, such as climate, natural resources, and geographical barriers, influenced their way of life and their social and political organization. Additionally, how the geographical location of an ancient civilization determined its relationship with other cultures and its impact on world history.

The location of greek colonies

One of the most interesting examples of the importance of locating ancient civilizations on the map is the Greek colonies in the Mediterranean. During the 8th century BC, the Greeks founded colonies throughout the Mediterranean coast, from the Iberian Peninsula to the Black Sea. These colonies became commercial and cultural centers, spreading Greek culture and language throughout the ancient world.

Greek colonies also played an important role in ancient Greek politics and war. The most important colonies, such as Athens, Sparta, and Corinth, became naval powers and fought for control of the Mediterranean. The location of these colonies and their relationship with the mainland Greek city-states influenced Greek politics and culture.

Egyptian architecture

Another notable example of the importance of locating ancient civilizations on the map is Egyptian architecture, which is one of the most impressive and well-known aspects of Egyptian culture. The Egyptians built grand monuments and temples, such as the pyramids of Giza and the temples of Karnak and Luxor. The location of these monuments on the map allows us to better understand how Egyptian society was organized and how their religion and culture developed.

The geographical location of Egyptian monuments is also important to understand Egypt’s relationship with other ancient cultures. Egypt was situated in a strategic position between Africa and Asia, facilitating trade and diplomatic relations with other ancient cultures such as Greek, Roman, and Persian.

Mayan civilization

Another example of the importance of locating ancient civilizations on the map is the Mayan culture in Central America. The Mayan civilization developed in the Mesoamerican region, which encompasses much of Mexico and Central America. The Mayans built impressive cities with grand buildings and temples, such as Tikal and Chichen Itza, and left a rich history and culture that is still studied today.

The geographical location of Mayan culture was key to its development and influence in the Mesoamerican region. The region had a variety of landscapes, from jungle to highlands, which allowed the Mayans to develop advanced agricultural techniques and adapt to different climatic conditions. Additionally, the geographical location of Mayan sites allowed Mayan culture to flourish and expand across a large part of Central America.

The location of Mayan archaeological sites is also important to understanding the complexity of Mayan social and political organization. Mayan cities were built with careful planning and attention to detail, suggesting a highly organized and hierarchical social and political structure. Mayan temples also offer a deep understanding of Mayan religion and practices.


In summary, geographical location is essential to understanding the history and culture of ancient civilizations. Examples such as Greek colonies in the Mediterranean, Egyptian architecture, and Mayan culture in Central America show us the importance of geographical location in the evolution of ancient cultures. It is crucial to teach young people the importance of locating ancient civilizations on the map to better understand.

