primary (10-11 years)


Climatology of a country

n this activity you will know how to identify the different types of climate in your country and how they affect daily life. Climates influence many aspects of our daily lives, including agriculture, health and industry.

In this downloadable you will find a PDF resource with instructions to energize your classes. On the one hand, we show you which platform tool you will work with and, on the other hand, we propose activities suitable for students aged 10-11.


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Climatology of a country

Identifying a country’s climate types is a fundamental part of studying geography. Climates influence many aspects of life, including agriculture, health, and industry, so it’s important for primary school children to learn how to identify the different types of climate in their country and how they affect daily life. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of identifying a country’s climate types and how it can be done through the analysis of climographs and by searching for a climate classification map of a country.

The importance of identifying a country’s climate types

Climate is one of the major geographical features of a country. It’s important for primary school students to understand that different climates have a significant impact on the lives of people living in a particular area. Climates affect agriculture, industry, and population health, so it’s essential that students understand the effects of climate on daily life.

Identifying climate types can also help students understand climate patterns and trends over time. Climate patterns can have a big impact on daily life, from the way crops are grown to the type of clothing that should be worn. By understanding climate patterns, students can better prepare for changes and make informed decisions about their daily lives.

Analyzing climographs

An important tool for identifying climate types is the climograph. A climograph is a graph that shows the monthly average precipitation and temperature of a particular area. Climographs are often used by meteorologists and climatologists to analyze climate patterns and predict future weather.

In a climograph, precipitation is shown in bars and temperature is shown as a line. Precipitation and temperature are placed on the same graph so that patterns can be easily compared. By analyzing the climograph, children can identify precipitation and temperature patterns and determine the climate type of an area.

Searching for a climate classification map of a country

Another way to identify climate types in a country is through a climate classification map. These maps classify the different climate types of a country and display them on a map. Climate classification maps can be found on interactive online maps, paper maps, or geography textbooks.

Climate classification maps can be helpful for children to see how different climate types are geographically distributed in a given country. By analyzing the map, students can learn about the different climate zones and the types of climate found in each of them.

Additionally, climate classification maps can also help understand the differences between climate types. For example, a climate classification map may show that a particular country has areas with tropical climate, areas with temperate climate, and areas with cold climate. By studying these classifications, students can better understand the differences between the climates of different regions and how they affect the lives of people and animals in those areas.



In summary, identifying a country’s climate types is an essential tool for understanding climate patterns and weather conditions that affect the region. Using climographs and climate classification maps helps children visualize and better understand this information in an interactive and engaging way. Geography is a key subject in the education of children, and understanding climate types is a fundamental part of it. Through geography education, students can develop greater awareness and understanding of the different natural environments of the world and how they influence human life and the economy in different regions of the planet.

