secondary (14-15 years).
Active population by sectors
In this activity, you will learn about what the active population is and its distribution in different sectors of the economy, such as agriculture, industry, and services. We will also see a comparison and analysis of the level of development of two or more countries using the active population by sectors of activity and the Human Development Index (HDI).
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What is the active population by economic sector?
The active population refers to all people who are working or looking for work. On the other hand, the inactive population refers to all people who are not working or looking for work, such as students, retirees, and people with disabilities. The active population is divided into different economic sectors, such as agriculture, industry, and services.
Agriculture refers to crop production and livestock farming. Industry refers to the production of manufactured goods, while services refer to activities such as commerce, education, and healthcare. The active population by economic sector can vary significantly between countries.
Comparing and analyzing the level of development of two or more countries
A useful way to measure the economic development of a country is to compare the distribution of the active population by economic sector. Classical economic theory suggests that as a country develops, the proportion of the active population in the agricultural sector decreases, while the proportion of the active population in the industrial and service sectors increases.
This transition is known as structural transformation. Currently, many developed countries have a predominantly service and industry-based active population, while in developing countries, agriculture remains an important sector.
The HDI is a composite measure that takes into account factors such as per capita income, life expectancy, and education. The HDI is used to measure the level of human development of a country. Combining information on the active population by economic sector with the HDI is useful to obtain a more complete picture of the economic and human development level of a country.
For example, we can compare the distribution of the active population by economic sector and the HDI of the United States and Mexico. According to 2020 data from the World Bank, 1.2% of the active population in the United States works in agriculture, while 77.2% works in the service sector and 21.6% works in industry.
On the other hand, in Mexico, 17.3% of the active population works in the agricultural sector, 24.4% works in industry, and 58.3% works in the service sector. Additionally, according to the 2020 HDI report from the United Nations, the United States has an HDI of 0.926, which ranks 17th globally, while Mexico has an HDI of 0.779, which ranks 90th globally.
Comparison of the active population by economic sector
The active population is divided into different economic sectors: agriculture, industry, and services. These sectors are important because they reflect the type of economic activity of a country and can be indicative of its level of development.
In more developed countries, the majority of the active population works in the service sector, while in developing countries, the active population tends to be more oriented towards agriculture and industry.
If we compare the active population data of the United States and Mexico, we can observe that in the United States, the service sector is the largest, while in Mexico, the service sector is also important, but to a lesser extent. On the other hand, in Mexico, the agricultural sector has a higher proportion of the active population than in the United States.
Analysis of the Human Development Index (HDI)
The HDI is an indicator that measures the level of human development in a country, taking into account variables such as life expectancy, education, and per capita income. The HDI is calculated on a scale of 0 to 1, with 1 being the highest value.
In the case of the United States, its HDI is 0.926, indicating a very high level of human development. This value is mainly due to its high per capita income and good life expectancy.
On the other hand, Mexico has an HDI of 0.779, indicating a medium level of human development. This is due to the fact that per capita income in Mexico is lower than in the United States and life expectancy is also lower. However, it is important to mention that Mexico has made significant progress in its HDI in recent years, thanks to education and health policies implemented by the government.
The importance of comparing and analyzing data
Comparing and analyzing data on the active population by sector of activity and the HDI of different countries is important because it allows us to understand the differences in economic and human development between these countries. It also helps us to identify areas where efforts should be focused to improve the quality of life of the population.
Moreover, by comparing data from different countries, we can obtain ideas and lessons about policies and strategies that have worked elsewhere and apply them in our own country. For example, if we see that a country with a high HDI has an effective education policy, we can consider implementing similar policies in our own country.
The active population and the HDI are two important indicators that allow us to understand the economic and human development of a country. By comparing and analyzing this data from different countries, we can obtain valuable ideas and lessons that will allow us to improve the quality of life of the population and move towards more sustainable development. In addition, this type of analysis helps us to better understand the complexity of the global economy and society, in order to make more informed and responsible decisions in the future.